6 months long 1:1 Journey with the Jaguar

Dive into the depths of your being and awaken the fierce, untamed spirit within with Jaguar Medicine. Guided by ancient wisdom and rooted in the power of radical self-love, this transformative journey invites you to embrace every aspect of yourself – light and shadow alike.

Phase 1: Meeting the Jaguar

In the first phase, you'll embark on a deep dive into your psyche, confronting and releasing unhealthy patterns that have held you back. Through shadow work and introspection, you'll uncover the roots of your limitations and reclaim your power.

Phase 2: Walking with the Jaguar

As you shed the layers of societal conditioning, you'll enter the realm of your primal, feminine self. This phase is about shedding the constraints of the "good girl" and tapping into your raw desires and instincts. With the guidance of the Jaguar, you'll navigate the wilderness of your soul and rediscover your true essence.

Phase 3: Consuming the Jaguar

In the final phase, you'll integrate the lessons of the journey and fully embody the wild, primal feminine energy within. Grounded in your newfound strength and wisdom, you'll emerge as the embodiment of the Jaguar – fierce, resilient, and untamed.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment with Jaguar Medicine? Join us and embrace the wildness within.

Ruh means Soul in Arabic. In this 60-90 min session, we journey to unlock the deeper layers of your soul. This can range from what is currently showing up in your current reality and in your current relationship to where you're desiring to head towards. This can be a process of emotional alchemy or a soul retrieval journey to reintegrate pieces of yourself that you may have lost in your early years.

I cannot wait to witness what unfolds for you in this session!

Kambo is a secretion of a sacred frog from South America that has a range of traditional potential therapeutic applications, both medical and spiritual.

The way I am called to work with this warrior medicine is to facilitate heart chakra healing. I guide ceremonies intuitively to specifically unlock deeper layers of wounds so that we can invite in deeper levels of love for ourselves.

The Love we crave from others is actually the love our inner child yearns for from our own selves. The Warrior Journey invites you to surrender to the walls that are protecting you and your heart and to invite safety so that you can experience deeper layers of love like never before!

Container Closed….Until Fall